Our feet are mostly ignored until they hurt.
Why are your feet are so important:
1) They are the foundation of your body, literally.
2) They play a sensory role, acting as the interface between you and your external environment, and guide to better movement.
3) Your feet play a major role in your movement independence - walking, climbing, crouching, crawling, running, etc.
If you've ever had foot pain, you know how important healthy feet are to your quality of life.
Massage therapy can also support healthy feet and provide relief to common foot issues. Try this easy self-massage for feet using either a tennis ball or a rubber therapy ball that you can do at home anytime.
A few other tips for healthy feet:
go barefoot when you can
choose proper footwear
take the time to stretch your feet following exercise or long periods of standing or walking
give them the self care they deserve